Following a petition launched by Wales Green Party, the BBC have reversed their decision not to include the Green Party in their election debates.

However, the new proposed format sees the Labour, Conservative, Plaid Cymru, Liberal Democrats and Abolish the Assembly party leaders debate together, followed by a second debate including the Greens, UKIP and Reform.

Anthony Slaughter, leader of Wales Green Party said “We are pleased the BBC have recognised their decision to exclude parties able to win Senedd seats from their debates was the wrong one. The press coverage and public outcry clearly had an effect – Welsh people don’t want to see the Greens unfairly side-lined.

However, the two section debate structure the BBC have proposed does not give the people of Wales a chance to see their potential representatives fully debate each other on equal footing. A single debate would present the opportunity for parties including the Greens to hold the current administration to account, and give a clear picture for voters of their options stepping in to polling stations next month.

We are in a climate emergency, and Wales faces huge economic and social challenges. Only the Green Party have a plan to transform Wales and secure our future, by investing locally in communities. So, despite our reservations we will be at the debate, because Wales needs to hear the Green Party’s unique message more than ever.”

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