Green Party welcome climate targets but ask: where’s the plan?

The Green Party has welcomed the government’s plans to significantly reduce the UK’s carbon output – particularly the decision to include aviation and shipping in domestic totals – but is clear the targets must be backed up by urgent and concrete policy if they are to be achieved.

Co-leader Jonathan Bartley said: “We welcome the fact that the global spotlight turning towards the UK has forced the government to raise its level of climate ambition but without a clear and urgent plan to reduce CO2 the targets are meaningless.”

“Let’s not forget that this government is expert in greenwashing and that we are in election season. Recognising how important the climate is to so many of us they stand up and make grand announcements but then we just don’t see the clear policy and investment that could make it a reality on the ground.”

Anthony Slaughter, leader of Wales Green Party said: “Here in Wales we are feeling the impact of climate change, with yearly flooding and the detrimental consequences of the depletion of nature. We need real action and we need it now.”

“The Green Party can do that here in Wales, through a Green Transformation Fund, by investing in sustainable energy that would go on to create tens of thousands of jobs. A Green New Deal would not only help our recovery as a country from this pandemic, but also take real, achievable action to lower emissions.”

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