Wales Green Party endorses Zack Polanski for Green Party deputy leader

Voting opens in the Green Party of England and Wales deputy leadership election on August 1. With three weeks for the four candidates to convince voters to get behind them, Zack Polanski’s campaign has received a major boost.

All three members of the Wales Green Party leadership team have announced they are backing Polanski. On July 10, Polanski announced he’d been endorsed by Wales Green Party leader Anthony Slaughter and deputy leaders Ammi Kaur-Dhaliwal and Helen Westhead.

Kaur-Dhaliwal told Bright Green, “After speaking at length with Zack, the first thought that came to mind was, here is someone who is professional, open and grounded. I am really happy to endorse someone who will help lead the Green Party through this crucial time.”

Westhead echoed these comments, telling Bright Green, “Zack’s energy and enthusiasm, alongside his ability to communicate our values inspires me, and makes him an excellent spokesperson for our party.”

The announcement came immediately following a hustings for the role hosted by the Wales Green Party. It is one of the first high profile endorsements in this year’s election.

Published first in Bright Green.

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