The Young Greens are the youth and student branch of the Green Party. They aim to harness the energy and ideas of young people, and change the direction of our society towards a sustainable and just future.
LGBTIQA+ Greens are the Green Party of England & Wales’ liberation group for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, intersex, queer, and asexual/ aromantic people, also known as the LGBTIQA+ Greens. The liberation group is formed by and for LGBTIQA+ Green Party members and allies.
LGBTIQA+ Greens aim to build a more sustainable and just society where everyone is valued, respected and empowered regardless of their sexuality, gender identity or intersex status.
Green Party Women are the official liberation group for women in the Green Party of England and Wales. We exist to defend and extend the rights of women and girls, and raise the voice of our members within our party and across the world. Their aim is to help women to do green politics better.
The Green Party are proudly feminist, and unlike other major political parties in the UK, the majority of our leading politicians are women. We have rules ensuring gender balance within our leadership (including for our Welsh Party), our regional and Parliamentary candidates, and for the chairs of our regional council and Young Greens.
The GPTU are the group for trade unionists, allies and all supporters of the labour movement in the Green Party of England & Wales. They believe that a powerful, organised labour movement bringing together millions of working people is essential to transforming society for people and planet.
They work together to offer practical solidarity to workers in their struggles, empowering Green campaigners up and down the country to work closely with trade unions.
Greens of Colour work to promote the contribution, experience, opportunities, rights, unity, perspective, culture and history of people from African, Caribbean, Asian, Latin American and other ethnic descent in England and Wales.
Our mission is to advance our community’s voices. Racism, discrimination and inequality is evident in many areas of society and campaign against it.
Disabled Greens are the liberation group by and for people with disabilities.
Their website is under construction – in the meantime follow them on Twitter.
Green Party Seniors is open to all members of the Green Party of England and Wales. Only members aged 55 and above may vote and stand for Committee posts.
They exist to promote understanding on matters affecting Senior Citizens and to co-operate with similar bodies in the UK, Europe and worldwide.
Greens for Animal Protection (GAP) is a Green Party initiative which aims to develop policy on animal protection issues and also campaign for animals.
All members of the Green Party are entitled to be full members of GAP. Non-Green Party members are also very welcome to support them in campaigns.
Jewish Greens offer advice and guidance on issues of importance to Jewish members of the Green Party and the Jewish community as a whole, and intend to be the first port of call within the party for educational purposes about Jews and Judaism.