
Donate to Wales Green Party

Wales Green Party has no big business backers. We can only achieve the change that’s so desperately needed when our members and supporters come together behind our focused election campaigns. Please donate to help us succeed.

Regular donations

Monthly donations are one of the best ways of supporting our campaign to win Green seats and bring change across Wales. With a steady income stream, we will be able to securely plan and run our biggest and most ambitious campaigns ever.

You can make a one-off or monthly donation using the form on this page, send us a cheque, or set up a standing order.


Please send cheques payable to ‘Wales Green Party’ or ‘Plaid Werdd Cymru’ to 91 Rhoshendre, Waunfawr, ABERYSTWYTH, SY23 3PX. So that we can identify your donation please include your address or email on an accompanying slip of paper.

Standing orders: Account name: ‘Wales Green Party’ or ‘Plaid Werdd Cymru’
Account number: 50172399
Sort code: 08-90-85

Please set your full name as payment reference so we can identify your donation, and if you can it’s helpful to email us please to let us know the good news – and so that we can say thank you!

Thank you!

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