Wales Green Party congratulates new Green Party leaders

Wales Green Party congratulates Carla Denyer & Adrian Ramsay on being elected as Leaders of The Green party of England and Wales

Wales Green Party leader Anthony Slaughter said “Congratulations from Wales to Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay on their election as co-leaders of the Green Party. Carla and Adrian both bring a wealth of experience and skills to the role, and I look forward to working together with them to help the party continue to grow and achieve the increased Green electoral success our communities so desperately need.

The election campaign was strongly contested, and it was inspiring to see the passion, commitment and talent of other candidates who bring so much to our party.”

Deputy leader Lauren James added “These are exciting times for the party. Carla and Adrian are experienced, inspirational and committed to success in Wales. I look forward to working with them both to take the party towards the next general election and beyond.”

The turnout for the election was 22%

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